me, myself & I

dreams of sorrow and love, dreams of smoke, isn't all of life just a big joke?

sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2007


Love me like a tree loves spring

What more can I ask of you?

Love me like fire loves wood

With passion and heat.

Love me like the desert loves water

With patience and hunger.

Love me like the shore loves the sea

Unconditionally and for eternity.

Love me like the forrest loves the wind

Slowly and with all your being.

Love me just like space loves time

Anywhere and in every second.

Love me like the sky loves the sun

Completely and intense.

What more can I ask of you?

Just love me…

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

you remind me of emily dickison, dar nu ma intreba de ce... probabil e in the air.