me, myself & I

dreams of sorrow and love, dreams of smoke, isn't all of life just a big joke?

luni, 3 septembrie 2007


-Tomorrow is another day, Scarlet.
-Yes, i know, but i'm not waiting till tomorrow. my moment is now.
-Oh, Scarlet, what is now?
-Now is the heartbeat that's dying, now is the tear that falls, now is my life, now i'm me.
-Dear scarlet wait, wait for your redmption, wait for the next day to come.
-Tomorrow is so far away i could die and be reborn and it would still be night. a long time till tomorrow, indeed. too long....
-Scarlet, you know i love you, but wait. if you leave now, you'll lose him.
-No. i shall not, cause he will always be there. he can't leave, he just can't!
-Scarlet, Scarlet what are you doing? stop!
-I can't stop, i'll never stop, i'm not allowed to stop. my life is chasing me.....
-Scarlet i warned you, i told you so, see what you have done? he has left!
-Oh shut up already!
-I can't shut up, Scarlet, i'm your conscience, i never shut up! so what will you do now?
-I.....i'll look for him. yes, i'll look for him!!!
-Where? there's a storm outside!
-Yes, i know, i caused it and it shall end by my hand.
-Scarlet, be careful!
-Of course i will. i'm always careful.
-Sure......if that would be the truth i wouldn't be here!
-You old hag! can't you be optimistic for once?
-No, a conscience is never optimistic. it's in my job description to be pessimistic.
-Bla, bla, bla....i guess it's in your job description to be a bitch too?
-Yes, of course.
-Doesn't matter, i'll go after him. i need him.
-Oh, so now you need him! child don't go around breaking hearts, it will backfire when you least expect.
-I don't, i love him. now i know it.
-Hope you're sure....
-Of course i am. i'm always sure.
-I know, i know, be careful. i will. let's go. the storm has stopped.
-Well it has stopped for a while but it may start anytime. take the umbrella anyway.
-Oh god!
-Ok, ok, let's go. he can't be far away. if it weren't for this fog....i could find him faster!
-Slowly, Scarlet, life should be lived slowly.....
-Yes, sure, whatever you say. let's go already! i think i see him! Rhett!
-Shh, Scarlet, he's not there, he's inside your heart....can't you see him? he's thinking of you...
-Of course i see him...Oh, my love here i come!!!
-Scarlet! don't forget your umbrella!!!

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

apropo de scarlet si de ziua de maine... in carte spune la un moment ca va trebui sa astepte "pana maine, pentru ca daca ma gandesc la asta azi, o sa innebunesc". Aici se pare ca nu a mai avut rabdare:))

cassandra spunea...

poi da ea trebuie sa astepte pana maine-oricand va fi maine- dar asta spune constiinta ei, in timp ce Scarlet nu mai are rabdare pana "maine", Scarlet traieste pentru ziua de azi......