Follow the wind
tender is the night,
Howling at the moon
City of the mind.
Darkness falls from the air-
Too loud a solitude.
The angel of pain,
From the house of war.
Shoot the woman first-
A good looking corpse
Heart of glass
Scream of stone.
Land of silence and darkness-
Silence of the lambs-
Where the green ants dream.
The architecture of desire,
The realm of senses
The lady or the tiger?
Tree of hands,
A closed eye.
I am right: You are wrong.
Brief lives…
Un comentariu:
O.K. daca tot ai facut tu o poezie din titluri de filme, publicul de mine propune si o varianta cu titluri de melodii(sunt deja excited pe aici) sau un dictionar de cuvinte related to quotes din filme sau lyrics din muzica. Am vazut ca se poarta ideea pe bloguri si pun pariu ca your brilliant mind ar scoate la iveala un puiut de blog "sa moara invidiosii". Astept...hihi
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