-Tomorrow is another day, Scarlet.
-Yes, i know, but i'm not waiting till tomorrow. my moment is now.
-Oh, Scarlet, what is now?
-Now is the heartbeat that's dying, now is the tear that falls, now is my life, now i'm me.
-Dear scarlet wait, wait for your redmption, wait for the next day to come.
-Tomorrow is so far away i could die and be reborn and it would still be night. a long time till tomorrow, indeed. too long....
-Scarlet, you know i love you, but wait. if you leave now, you'll lose him.
-No. i shall not, cause he will always be there. he can't leave, he just can't!
-Scarlet, Scarlet what are you doing? stop!
-I can't stop, i'll never stop, i'm not allowed to stop. my life is chasing me.....
-Scarlet i warned you, i told you so, see what you have done? he has left!
-Oh shut up already!
-I can't shut up, Scarlet, i'm your conscience, i never shut up! so what will you do now?
-I.....i'll look for him. yes, i'll look for him!!!
-Where? there's a storm outside!
-Yes, i know, i caused it and it shall end by my hand.
-Scarlet, be careful!
-Of course i will. i'm always careful.
-Sure......if that would be the truth i wouldn't be here!
-You old hag! can't you be optimistic for once?
-No, a conscience is never optimistic. it's in my job description to be pessimistic.
-Bla, bla, bla....i guess it's in your job description to be a bitch too?
-Yes, of course.
-Doesn't matter, i'll go after him. i need him.
-Oh, so now you need him! child don't go around breaking hearts, it will backfire when you least expect.
-I don't, i love him. now i know it.
-Hope you're sure....
-Of course i am. i'm always sure.
-I know, i know, be careful. i will. let's go. the storm has stopped.
-Well it has stopped for a while but it may start anytime. take the umbrella anyway.
-Oh god!
-Ok, ok, let's go. he can't be far away. if it weren't for this fog....i could find him faster!
-Slowly, Scarlet, life should be lived slowly.....
-Yes, sure, whatever you say. let's go already! i think i see him! Rhett!
-Shh, Scarlet, he's not there, he's inside your heart....can't you see him? he's thinking of you...
-Of course i see him...Oh, my love here i come!!!
-Scarlet! don't forget your umbrella!!!