sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2007
sitting by the pale moonlight,
dreaming of a world of flight.
polishing some dreams long lost
buying illusions regardless of the cost...
i have gone in lands so blue
i have died in search of you,
shadow of love, of deceit, of lies
shadow of the sun that cries.
come, dance with me
under the willow tree
that breaks its branches
while we take our chances...
dance along the river red
dance along the ivory bed
of a love that's burnt too much
of a man that smiles such...
kill me near the sunset hour
kill me while i have no power,
love me cause i'm falling deep
love me cause i fall asleep
dreaming of a shadow stone
dreaming of a silent throne.
sitting by the pale moonlight
wishing for a world of night...
marți, 4 septembrie 2007
crush you
Come on, you little despicable angel, i'll tear your wings off!
You left, and behind you, your scent embraced the air in a perfect goodbye. No use for tears, no use for hate, no use to bring you back; your heart has gone cold, your soul is a waste land where no feelings can survive.
Your image burnt in my eyes, your voice in my head.....Who knew the memory of you could be so painful?
All i have left is revenge, the sweet kiss of revenge. I'm going to crush you....after i rebuild myself from the broken pieces you shattered me in.
luni, 3 septembrie 2007
-Tomorrow is another day, Scarlet.
-Yes, i know, but i'm not waiting till tomorrow. my moment is now.
-Oh, Scarlet, what is now?
-Now is the heartbeat that's dying, now is the tear that falls, now is my life, now i'm me.
-Dear scarlet wait, wait for your redmption, wait for the next day to come.
-Tomorrow is so far away i could die and be reborn and it would still be night. a long time till tomorrow, indeed. too long....
-Scarlet, you know i love you, but wait. if you leave now, you'll lose him.
-No. i shall not, cause he will always be there. he can't leave, he just can't!
-Scarlet, Scarlet what are you doing? stop!
-I can't stop, i'll never stop, i'm not allowed to stop. my life is chasing me.....
-Scarlet i warned you, i told you so, see what you have done? he has left!
-Oh shut up already!
-I can't shut up, Scarlet, i'm your conscience, i never shut up! so what will you do now?
-I.....i'll look for him. yes, i'll look for him!!!
-Where? there's a storm outside!
-Yes, i know, i caused it and it shall end by my hand.
-Scarlet, be careful!
-Of course i will. i'm always careful.
-Sure......if that would be the truth i wouldn't be here!
-You old hag! can't you be optimistic for once?
-No, a conscience is never optimistic. it's in my job description to be pessimistic.
-Bla, bla, bla....i guess it's in your job description to be a bitch too?
-Yes, of course.
-Doesn't matter, i'll go after him. i need him.
-Oh, so now you need him! child don't go around breaking hearts, it will backfire when you least expect.
-I don't, i love him. now i know it.
-Hope you're sure....
-Of course i am. i'm always sure.
-I know, i know, be careful. i will. let's go. the storm has stopped.
-Well it has stopped for a while but it may start anytime. take the umbrella anyway.
-Oh god!
-Ok, ok, let's go. he can't be far away. if it weren't for this fog....i could find him faster!
-Slowly, Scarlet, life should be lived slowly.....
-Yes, sure, whatever you say. let's go already! i think i see him! Rhett!
-Shh, Scarlet, he's not there, he's inside your heart....can't you see him? he's thinking of you...
-Of course i see him...Oh, my love here i come!!!
-Scarlet! don't forget your umbrella!!!
sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2007
joc de cuvinte
Ce usor face viata confuzii.
Totul a inceout de curand.
Toate stau sub un singur nume.
Nu-i nimic, e doar o parere.
Firul vietii iese din caer.
Nimic nu mai poate fi sters.
Omul nu poate fi oprit.
Chinul e ceva obligatoriu.
Viata e o Fata Morgana.
Durerea continua la nesfarsit.
l'arc en ciel
Te voir quand il a plu
C'est pour les yeux
Un reve, une moment
De sublime,
Contre la banalite du jour
Ou de la vie.
C’est un merveilleux souris
Qui danse
Dans le monde.
L’arc en ciel
Chasse maintenant
La peur de mourir, peur de naitre
Peur d’etre reinvente.
Montre-leur, ma merveille
Tes couleurs du soleil!
Love me like a tree loves spring
What more can I ask of you?
Love me like fire loves wood
With passion and heat.
Love me like the desert loves water
With patience and hunger.
Love me like the shore loves the sea
Unconditionally and for eternity.
Love me like the forrest loves the wind
Slowly and with all your being.
Love me just like space loves time
Anywhere and in every second.
Love me like the sky loves the sun
Completely and intense.
What more can I ask of you?
Just love me…
vineri, 31 august 2007
Buze rosii, sangerii
Iluzii ametitoare…
Inlantuirea haotica
De membre si suflete
Otrava si elixir.
Imagini si reflexii
Ce-ntuneca gandirea.
Spirala de albastru
Vartejul de emotii.
Aici nu-i loc pentru
Credinta si salvare.
Aici gasesti pacatul
Cu-ntreaga lui savoare.
Intunericul scanteietor
Cu mii de ochi de sange
Cu mii de suflete
In valea care plange.
Sta scris in fata portii
Aici e casa mortii…
Tears have fallen from the sky
Tears have fallen you know why.
Drowning now in tears of pain
Yes, our fight has been in vain.
Yes, our sorrow seems to be
But a drop of sweet eternity.
Shivers, thoughts and darkness
We are more but yet so less
We are strong but yet so weak
There’s no time for hide and seek.
Sinners, saints, all that you are
Make a wish upon a star.
Choose a dream and live it through
Feel a life for me and you.
Walk with us the realms of death
Come with violence and with wrath.
Teras have fallen from the sky
Tears have fed the famished land
Tears have fallen you know why
Yes, our dreams have turned to sand,
Yes, our life is soon to die…
Tacuti sunt oamenii pe strada
Tacuti ca fulgii de zapada.
Tacuta-i lumea tot mereu
Si mai mereu tacuta-s eu.
O liniste apasatoare
O liniste tulburatoare.
Tacuti sunt cei ce nu mai sunt,
Tacut e omul, iarasi e tacut.
Zgomotul lumii acum a tacut
Zbuciumul lumii acum este frant.
Peste toate domneste un cuvant
E moartea ce pana acum a tacut.
Acum isi cere durerea
Acum ea sparge tacerea.
Tacerea mortii era asurzitoare
Vorbirea ei e doar fermecatoare…
chasing illusions
i'm tired, i'm so tired, tonight i'm tired beyond the realms of death, beyond the realms of life.....i'm just tired. it hurts, you know. it hurts to feel the lack, it hurts to feel the presence, it hurts to feel..... i envy the lives of statues and graves. they are alone for eternity, but unlike me they are incapable to grief the void around them. how refreshing seems their solitary, hollow existence. how peaceful is their absence of emotion, their ocean without any shores. for me often motion takes the place of emotion. among the graves, as well as among people, you are never alone but yet so lonely.... the unique universes collide but yet they do not mingle. absent, time makes his presence felt in a paradoxal way, pourring into and out of everything. looking for it can be a very challenging hobby: a variety of chasing and catching movements, all bound to end in failure. catching time, well there's the modern Holy Graal! a quest for the brave or for the hopelessly insane. now excuse me while i'll go trap my own illusion.......
marți, 28 august 2007
prozac nation in recovery
the threshold between being lucid and between being insane is so small and so hidden that you don't see it at first. you continue to be enchanted by its demonic power. the sweet delusion of being emerged in insanity seems so promising that you forget who you are and what your purpose is suppsoed to be.the illusion that you are is much more beautiful than the person that really hides behind the mask.and you get used to that situation where you hide behind a shattered image and pretend everything is ok. how simple seems to be: escaping from reality. actually it's much more difficult than you think at first. disturbed from the world you have created you find yourself, a stranger among people, like an uninvited guest that has no seat. recovering from insanity is sometimes hard, sometimes impossible, but if you pull through, maybe at the end of the road you will see that your trip to LALA land has done you good, has cured your soul and cleansed your mind. such a bliss to be hopelessly insane don't you think?
the god
This is the place where you'll meet your doom
This is the place where hell is in bloom
Starring at the waves of violence
In this grave of dust and silence
Pourring drops of white oleander
Distant lands where thoughts may wander
Smokey shades and silhouettes
There’s no time here for regrets.
Into the void… we walk into the void.
Carring our love and our hate
Carring on our shoulders a sentence by fate.
Across a river, stirred water
From fire and lust comes a daughter
She has many secrets, so many
She is herself a secret in every way.
The rooms are small and dark
And yet the letter stays as a mark.
She’s hopeless now
She has surrendered, taken a bow
Before the god, so savage, so rough
He is all, he is absolute, he is eternal
In this love so broken, infernal…
brief lives
Follow the wind
tender is the night,
Howling at the moon
City of the mind.
Darkness falls from the air-
Too loud a solitude.
The angel of pain,
From the house of war.
Shoot the woman first-
A good looking corpse
Heart of glass
Scream of stone.
Land of silence and darkness-
Silence of the lambs-
Where the green ants dream.
The architecture of desire,
The realm of senses
The lady or the tiger?
Tree of hands,
A closed eye.
I am right: You are wrong.
Brief lives…
Am plecat pe cararea ce duce spre stele. Am incercat sa fug de mine. Dar sufletul m-a prins de haina.
-De ce fugi de lume, de ce fugi de oameni?
-Nu fug, vreau sa simt viata. Vreau sa evadez din lumea rece si gri. Monotona si banala. Neinsufletita.
-Ramai cu mine sa veghem prabusirea lumii. Nu-i vezi, sunt aproape! Mai au un pas si…
-Suflet pagan! Cum poti sa fii atat de crud si nepasator?
-Pot fi orice, oricum, oriunde. Imi fac griji doar pentru mine, am grija doar de mine, ma iubesc doar pe mine.
-Vezi? De asta vreau sa plec! Nu te mai support!
-De ce? Deoarece eu vreau sa ne fie noua bine? Ha!
-Vreau sa plec, sa caut, sa....nu stiu....vreau sa scap de infinitul ce se margineste la o stea! vreau sa cred, sa simt, sa iubesc, sa traiesc- departe de lume.
-Dar nu poti. Ceva te tine. Vrei sa stii si ce?
-Ce stii tu, suflet pagan?
Vocea ii devenise ca un tunet care-mi sfasia mintea:
-Eu stiu tot ce-a fost si este. Vrei sa scapi de-a lumii neagra fire ce se afla adanc in tine.
-Minti! Voi pleca, voi trece nepasatoare printre stele, nu voi fi ca ele!
-Lumea nu-i ceea ce pare, eu nu sunt ceea ce par, tu nu esti ceea ce pari, dar suntem de-acelasi gand si praf.
-Nu! Refuz sa cred!
-Nu vei crede, vei simti!
Mi-a pus mainile pe ochi si franturi de imagini au inceput sa tipe in jurul meu.
-Nu simti tulburarea lumii, nelinistea, zbuciumul? Nu poti sa fugi de ele! Sunt in tine, cresc, le-auzi?
-Da, atatea voci, atatea spirite, atatea suflete pierdute, atata durere! Nu,Nu,Nu………NU!!!
-Ba da! Nu ai scapare! Acum stai langa mine, vom privi a lumii-ntunecare!
L-am privit incet, simtind ca nu pot sa plec, ca nu ma va lasa niciodata sa plec, prizoniera propriei mele minti. I-am spus soptit:
-Ai castigat, raman, langa tine, suflet pagan!
Am inchis ochii ca sa nu-i mai vad zambetul triumfator....intunericul vine....
down here
while i was shattering
the sky,
the shadow caught
and started to fly,
captured by the song
she sings.
revived from what seemed
to be a dream,
i walked the earth in
search of you.
but the shadow made
of steam
denied me of what's true.
i fell and tumbled from
the sky so blue.
and down here, guess what?
i found you...
i trust in you
trust in the eyes
that you see from the skies.
trust in the bones
that emerge in grey tones.
trust in the heart
that beats full of art.
trust in the soul
that denies its role.
trust in the woman
that you seem to be.
trust in the man
that has set you free.
trust in your mind
that fate is all blind.
trust in the rivers
that flow and the shivers.
trust in the touch
that has brought you so much.
trust in the ghost
that you love most.
trust and see,
trust in me...
luni, 27 august 2007
praful se ridicase in incapere. oamenii strigau cu zambete plutind pe fetele lor. stand intr-un colt, in umbra puteam privi in liniste. dansatorii. prinsi de farmecul melodiei se invarteau din ce in ce mai repede: rosu, negru, rosu, negru, rosu, negru.....melodia se poticni pentru o clipa si timpul se opri. multimea de spectatori striga fara glas in timp ca mainile lui o lasa usor in jos. hipnotizata privesc acest dans senzual....ea zambeste. a ajuns prea aproape de el....rade, rade cu toata vanitatea feminina. pasii lor rasuna pe scena improvizata. suparat, o invarte si mai tare, sarutand-o apasat. ea rade si mai tare. i s-a intins rujul. praful este omniprezent. miroase a tequilla, a dragoste, a sudoare.....jocul este mai elaborat. inlantuirea de brate si picioare are acum un scop mai profund. melodia are din nou un ritm alert. momentul s-a terminat. multimea a prins glas si striga iar. un nou cuplu ales la intamplare urca pe scena. plec, insotita numai de praf. pretutindeni praf.....
trapped illusions
duminică, 26 august 2007
toujours je reve
o fereastra deschisa
Libertatea pe care ti-o afirma si pe care ti-o ofera acea fereastra deschisa nu o vei gasi niciunde in lume, caci fereastra deschisa reprezinta lumea intreaga, reprezinta lumea intreaga, o fereastra deschisa este libertatea....
The night was colder than usually and tears had dried on her face. The sadness that she had possesed or better said the sadness that had possesed her, was but a shadow. Looking at the darkness outside and searching with her eyes the infinity of stars, the world seemed so far away and so insignifiant. She had nothing in common with that flow of noises and people that passed through her mind everyday. She was just a spectator never an actor. She never felt alive, she was only there, like en element of scenery, no more alive that a table or a bed. She felt the emptyness inside of her, the void and she knew that there was nothing big enough to fill that void. She was alone in a sea of people and their words and thoughts passed right through her. Sometimes, after what seemed years of solitude, she yearned for some company but the desire was soon killed. She wondered, in the lonely nights, when her mind wandered on fields unknown to the world, how much time will it take to free herself of this burden, of this sorrow, of this loneliness. But the answer was left to be discovered, during the slow-motion of time, during the years so empty, so alone, so distant. She waited, she’s still waiting, she wants to know what it feels like when you’re alive….
vineri, 17 august 2007
why always ME!!!!!!!!!!!
ratacesc peste o mare a tacerii si a pacatelor si nu-mi gasesc linistea. O! dar nici nu o mai vreau... privesc pomii unduindu-se si simt adierea vantului sub soarele palid, dar placerile marunte ale vietii nu-mi mai aduc nici o bucurie. mereu planeaza o intrebare, o tortura pentru suflet. DE CE? intrebarea care e gravata in sufletul meu. DE CE EU? intrebarea care imi defineste viata.....
pieces of me
de fiecare data cand incerc sa ma caut dau peste un alt ''eu'' pe care il elimin rapid. dar nu m-am gasit pe mine . nu mai stiu unde sa caut. imi las gandurile bune, frumoase, urate, rele, macabre, aici. poate ma gasesti printre ele, mica si speriata, inconjurata de atatea ''euri''. sa-mi dai mana si sa ma ajuti sa ies. promiti?
miercuri, 15 august 2007
evadare din mine
O lacrima a cazut pe pamantul uscat. Setea lui de lumina nu se potoleste doar cu atat. Ma revolt impotriva vietii, ma revolt impotriva mortii. Si-atunci? Ce mai ramane? Ce viata? Ce moarte? Nimic. Deci sunt in neantul universului meu. Am ales sa nu privesc inapoi, sa nu caut raspunsuri ce nu exista deoarece intrebarile n-au fost puse.
marți, 14 august 2007
the missing piece
The night was so utterly dark that everything around you took scary dimensions and colours. You felt like you were in the darkest hell and there was no way out. The light that sprung from the lamps on the street was insuficient and seemed so far away and so small.
Every step you made on that road creeped fear, a petrifing feeling of fear into your bones. And yet you felt somehow at home. It was a return to your essence, cause we were all made of darkness. Somewhere on that path you felt fullfilled and complete. The darkness poured into your soul and there it slipped into its place like the missing piece of a monumental puzzle. The sunrise is now carressing your face but it doesn’t warm your heart. Your heart is dark and only darkness is now capable to put it on fire.
Your single purpose in life is darkness, your only craving is evil, your only desire is death cause that’s the darkest place of them all. But that’s where you feel perfect, away from the world…
viata de post
Aduce cu ea golul din vis.
Ce-as putea spune omului
Care se-afunda in necuprins?
Tacere! Blasfemia iubirii
Brazdeaza rani adanci
In trupul de suflet al eului meu,
Iluzii pagane se sfarma de stanci.
Veniti! Sa fugim de lume mereu!
Manati de naluca eternei nopti
Asteptam pierduti sfaramarea de porti.
Raspunsul la intrebarea fara rost
E un strigat de lupta si de durere.
Refuzam viata de post!
Avem o inima-nsangerata dupa cadere…
Am uitat sa traim si sa iubim
Dar mai presus de toate am uitat sa fim!
Lost in seas of sorrow
Injected with the hope
Of a new tomorrow.
Compressed with eyes of grief
Bedazzled by a false belief.
We walk, like puppets
Place now your eternal bets!
Released from our cages
We’re turning now the dusty pages
Of our novels filled with darkness
Nothing left here to confess.
Screaming, shattering the sky
Tiny, little, palish lie.
It is now the time to feed
Feel it now-the urge to breed!
Complicated, devlish sound
Was the anger ever bound
To our heart or is it free
Crushing now our chance to be?
hollows of the heart
A chill of unfortold nights
A piece of unbatlled fights
Can I be true just once?
And grab this fainted chance?
The night is dark and it is cold
Just as the tears I hold.
Come forth, my destiny
I want to see your face
I want to see the grace
What lies ahead of time?
What awful little crime?
In hollows of the heart
Where I will fall apart
I break my soul in shades
I cut my feelings with these blades
I’ll live one time, one space
But far of this forgotten place………
7 zile
Aruncat intr-o neagra disperare, intr-un intuneric total, inconjurat doar de gandurile tale, ganduri care nu pot sa sparga zidurile reci de caramida. Cat poate sa reziste un om in singuratatea unei celule fara zabrele, fara ferestre, fara lumina? Ne gandim ca n-avem nevoie de lumina pentru a supravietui, dar atunci de ce, privati de lumina, ne cuprinde acel sentiment panicant de teama, care poate fi mai sufocant ca lipsa de aer? Cate zile ai rezista, in adancul sufletului? Un om poate rezista 7 minute fara aer, 7 zile fara apa si 7 saptamani fara hrana. Dar singur, fara oameni, cat poti rezista? 7 luni? 7 ani? O eternitate? In cele din urma, oare chiar avem nevoie de oameni? Caci daca timpul s-a pierdut destul de mult printre clipe, nevoia de un lucru nu mai este atat de pregnanta ca in primele zile de disperare. Singuratatea poate fi un blestem sau o binecuvantare, poate fi o slabiciune sau o arma. Depinde de noi cum o folosim….
Am ramas cu privirea pierduta la marginea infinitului. Ce zbor de ganduri imi tulbura linistea? Ce zvon de iluzii imi tulbura mintea? Ce zarva de sentimente imi tulbura inima? Alerg printre amintiri in cautarea unei sperante. Dar e ca si cum as alerga sa prind orizontul. Se departeaza de mine cu fiecare pas. Am incercat sa opresc timpul. Si? Ce-am obtinut? O intarziere neinsemnata a inevitabilului? Am crezut ca pot zidi cetati, ca pot ciopli statui, ca pot picta portrete. Si am zidit: cetati de iluzii, am cioplit statuia sufletului meu si am pictat gandurile pe panza mintii. Am trecut printre vise dar nu m-am oprit la niciunul. Am infruntat pericole, am luptat impotriva monstrilor imaginatiei mele si i-am invins. Am cautat adevaruri ce se ascundeau sub aparente dar nu am gasit decat minciuni ambalate cu hartie de adevar. Acum tot ce mai pot face este sa astept. Ce? Nu stiu. Astept probabil sa se prabuseasca cerul ca sa pot cladi altul………